San Diego County Lodging Association 2024 Candidate Endorsements


Mayor – Todd Gloria

The San Diego County Lodging Association proudly endorses Mayor Todd Gloria for his commitment to addressing homelessness and support for key tools to better assist law enforcement. Mayor Gloria’s leadership on sensitive items like the implementation of an encampment ban has been critical in ensuring a safer environment for residents and visitors alike. Additionally, his dedication to streamlining city permitting functions has been instrumental in fostering growth within the hospitality industry. Mayor Gloria has also been leading the charge to find every way possible to increase our housing supply which is in critical shortage.  We believe Mayor Gloria’s continued leadership will further bolster San Diego’s standing as a premier destination.

For more information, please visit the campaign website at

City Council, District 3 – Stephen Whitburn

The San Diego County Lodging Association is proud to endorse Stephen Whitburn for City Council. Councilmember Whitburn’s leadership on key efforts like the city’s encampment ordinance has not gone unnoticed, earning him SDCLA’s esteemed “Gold Key” award in 2024. Councilmember Whitburn has also been a partner with the Mayor in helping support critically needed new housing, be it through planning or directly in project approvals.  We are confident that his continued service on the City Council will further advance San Diego as a thriving and welcoming destination for all.

For more information, please visit the campaign website at

City Council, District 9 – Sean Elo-Rivera

The San Diego County Lodging Association acknowledges the efforts of Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera in addressing key issues facing our community. The hotel industry appreciates the councilmember’s open-door policy to discuss the variety of issues important to the hotel industry and our associates. The association looks forward to building upon his commitment to public service and his ongoing dialogue with stakeholders. We will continue our work with Elo-Rivera to find common-ground solutions that benefit both the hospitality industry and the broader San Diego community.

For more information, please visit the campaign website at


Supervisor, District 1 – Nora Vargas

Supervisor Nora Vargas has been proactive in addressing critical regional issues that have long impacted San Diego’s ability to attract visitors, namely around plans to mitigate the flow of cross-border sewage. The San Diego County Lodging Association appreciates Supervisor Vargas’ work on this vital environmental and public health effort.

For more information, please visit the campaign website at

Supervisor, District 2 – Joel Anderson

Supervisor Anderson has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to supporting San Diego’s hospitality and lodging industry during his many years of public service. His firm understanding of SDCLA’s needs and open-door policy make Supervisor Anderson the clear choice in the race for Supervisorial District 2.

For more information, please visit the campaign website at

Supervisor, District 3 – Kevin Faulconer

As Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the vitality of our tourism and hospitality industry by prioritizing public safety, infrastructure repair, and expanding the San Diego Convention Center under Measure C. He was also a leader in driving critically needed new housing to help address our region’s shortfall.  Faulconer’s track record and collaborative approach with members of San Diego’s lodging industry has positively impacted tourism and the greater San Diego community.

For more information, please visit the campaign website at